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A recent study by RAND sheds light on how crucial permanent housing is and will continue to be for the homeless population.

The study was focused on homelessness in Los Angeles, a city which is known for its large homeless population. The county health department started a program aimed at ending homelessness in Los Angeles by moving frequent users of health services who are homeless into supportive housing called Housing For Health.

Since the program’s start, it has moved 3500 people off the streets of Los Angeles. Out of 900 participants, 96% have stayed in the program for over a year. Program participants spent 75% less time in the hospital and had 70% fewer visits to the ER.

This evidence clearly indicates that moving those who are homeless into permanent, supportive housing makes a difference.

The study also showed an improvement in overall mental health when participants remain in the program. All of our residents at WHC have at least one diagnosed disability. With structured, supportive housing and programming, we are able to have a high success rate helping to break the cycle of homelessness. Learn more about what we do here.